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Category: Brass


Mopar combines a phase distorsion oscillator whith a soundfont oscillator to produce cool pads or more…Osc1 has 8 waveforms (saw, square, pulse, double sine, saw-pulse,…

DSK Brass

Developers DSK Windows Downloads This plugin comes with a variety of Brass instruments, you can select single ones or even ensembles. Features and download: –…


Windows Downloads Brassinematic is a cinematic brass machine. It uses 4 32-bit top quality waveform oscillators to generate 4 exciting cinematic brass instruments emulation: Baritone saxophone,…


Product StrainwaveSCA2018 Developer Strainwave Price (MSRP) Free Sca is an analogue synth made of crossed forms combined with an ambient emulation of many instruments, you will…